
Haley and Annemarie are the co-founders of POP Up. POPUp is a two-woman team built from a passion for providing evidence-based support and resources for those managing pelvic organ prolapse, and empowering the professionals working with people with POP. Real-life best buds, colleagues, and even client/practitioner dyad, Haley and Annemarie are on a mission to change the way we manage POP. When they're not talking about the research regarding movement and the pelvic floor, they're - well, who are we kidding? 

They're always talking about research.



Haley is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist working primarily with a postpartum population in San Francisco, where she was born and raised. She began working as an exercise professional in 2005 and has worked in various gym settings with a broad range of clients. During her pregnancy and following the birth of her son Otis (and a POP diagnosis) in 2015, she quickly came to experience firsthand the lack of adequate support for perinatal people and the professionals with whom they are working. She switched gears from working with a general population and became employed by a company focusing exclusively on pre- and postnatal people. Soon, she was awarded the role of the Head of Methodology where she focused on the development and implementation of trainer education while continuing to work with one-on-one clients and groups. At the beginning of 2018, she decided to shift gears again and return back to self-employment to focus on building an online arm to her business. She joined forces with her friend and PFPT, Annemarie, to build POP Up. 

Haley is passionate about evidence-driven support, the consideration of language and psychosocial aspects that influence perception and care, the development in strength in the myriad ways it is expressed, and maybe most importantly, the  power of laughter and community. 

  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through National Sports and Conditioning Association 

  • Certified Personal Trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine

  • Level 2 Kettlebell Instructor through the RKC

  • Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist through FRC 

  • Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach 

  • Level 1 FMS

  • TRX Instructor

  • Sports Performance Coach through USAW 

  • BA in Psychology

Annemarie knew from a young age that she wanted to be a physical therapist. Learning about the human body fed her budding science nerd, and she continues to be fascinated by the endlessly resilient, adaptable, and intricate systems that keep us moving. More importantly, however, physical therapists were the only medical professionals who she saw actually get to know their patients, spend time understanding their concerns, and develop real, meaningful relationships.

She has centered her professional career around the idea that individuals with pelvic health concerns deserve expert, evidence-based, compassionate, and positive care. Unfortunately, pelvic floor dysfunction is under-recognized and under-discussed, and access to high quality care continues to be a barrier for many. With the knowledge that we have a long way to go, she hopes that each interaction she has with someone will help fuel our larger conversation about the essential nature of care for the things that we often can’t see, but affect the way that we live, work, and play. 

  • Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of California, San Francisco

  • Women’s Health Clinical Specialist (WCS)

    • American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties

  • Certificate of Achievement in Pelvic Physical Therapy (CAPP-Pelvic)

  • Certificate of Achievement in Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Therapy (CAPP-OB)

    • American Physical Therapy Association Section on Women’s Health

  • B.S. in Biology from the University of California, San Diego
